OfficePoolStop NCAA Pickem Challenge

College Football Pickem
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League Type: NCAA Pickem Pool
Every week you pick each game on the pick sheet straight-up (or against the spread if configured).  details

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This league has already started. If you join and the manager approves you, you will begin with a point balance of 0.
Manager: Fred Williams

Inception: 7/24/2019 3:49:00 PM
Max Players: 1000
Number of Players: 58
Start Week: 1
Weeks In Regular Season: 15
Weeks In Post Season: 0
Picks Due: Saturday Aug 31, 3:00 PM EST
Pick Grace Period: 255 hours  Help
Against the Spread: No
Playoff Weighting: 1   Help
Bye Week: Enabled   Help
Tie-breaker game: Any Game