Fred Williams |
 The Commish Age: 63 162 Posts |
Posted Sep 03, 2021 at 2:40 PM Below are the major new features and fixes for 2021. If there are any new features you would like us to consider, or spot any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Pool Type
New Features
Bug Fixes
- Prevent players from using nickname on league pages such as Standings.
- Email League page - option to only send email to players with balance due.
- Email League page - send test email.
- Branding - Allow custom email header image.
- Always set players who pay CC league fee to ‘Active’, regardless of ‘Manager Approve’ setting.
- Away team now shown first on Picks sheets (some might call this a bug fix 😊)
- Managers can now assign one co-manager to assist in managing the league.
- Busy indicator when switching between clones on ‘My Picks’ page.
- Hide birthday option.
- Hide chart option (x) on My Picks pages.
- Invite Players and Email League pages did not allow image to be embedded in email.
- Link from home to Player Status page resulted in pending clones not showing if parent was ‘inactive’.
- Fixed bug on Rules page that could allow a manager under a rare condition to edit the Rules of another manager’s league (if that manager was in their pool).
- Activate League emails were not going through service that works with Email log where email status such as ‘opened’ can be ascertained.
- Hitting Create League cancel button showed ‘Creating league’ message.
- Email log did not show invited players who did not have a login account.
Pickem Pool
- Count ties as loss.
- Underdog bonus points.
- Option to hide SOV and prize columns.
- Show total points in first column of Standings immediately after player names.
- Fixed intermittent issue with pick sheet that would sometimes display as blank after the user closed the pop-up modal caused by entering an invalid tie-breaker.
Survivor Pool
- Configure Custom prize (e.g. ‘4th place’)
- Final standings fix to 2-bracket leagues where tie-breaker didn’t account for number of wins.
Play Money Pool
- Option to hide SOV and prize columns.
- Show total points in first column of Standings immediately after player names.
Confidence Pool
- Option to hide SOV and prize columns.
- Show total points in first column of Standings immediately after player names.
- Fixed incorrect Max Points value for some situations.
The following changes are imminent (within a few days):
- Add 2nd NCAA score update source as ESPN’s JSON API does not always update in a timely manner.
"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers!" |